
Thing 7. Research Project Calculator

The Research Project Calculator (RPC) is based on the University of Minnesota Assignment Calculator for undergraduate students. The RPC was created to help secondary students plan for and navigate the research process in an ethical manner, using reliable resources. In addition to providing a timeline, deadlines and reminders, the tool offers a strategy.

The first rule of conducting research is to have a plan and the RPC does this by breaking the process down into the following five steps:
  1. Question
  2. Gather
  3. Conclude
  4. Communicate
  5. Evaluate

The beauty is that the five-step approach will serve your students not just for academic research, but for all personal and learning related information problems they confront. The process the steps teach will assist them in a job or car search, a health care crisis, or choosing a career.


  1. Look at the student RPC and decide what features and steps you’d like your students to be aware of. Then introduce it to your classes (ask your LMS for help with this!) Example: The citation tool links are good for students to know about Take time to get to know the Calculator and the five steps.
  2. Introduce the Calculator to your classes (LMS are great resources here!) Choose at least 2 of the steps to use with your class research process.
  3. Blog about the students’ reactions and yours.

Don’t try to cover every aspect of the tool, but rather choose the steps you think your students need to focus on, then walk students through the information presented. Warning: Step 2 is the longest and most involved. Think about how you wish to approach this step. Remember the dribbling concept…

Making the Information Literacy Connection
Information literacy has been called a “liberal art.” We live in a world awash with information of all kinds. We need to ensure that our students have solid skills in place to find, evaluate and use information. We also want them to use information and technology ethically and need to teach them why this is important and how to do it.

Blog Prompts

  • What features/steps of the RPC did you show your students? Why?
  • What did they think?How do you think the RPC can help your students successfully do research?
  • What additional resources do they need in order to be successful?

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